Commercial & Residential Recycling
in Vermont

Canusa Hershman of Vermont is a full-service material recovery facility located in St. Albans, Vermont. We purchase, process and market a wide range of materials including recovered fiber, plastics, metals, and electronic waste. We work with our suppliers to maximize the value of their materials by providing competitive pricing, flexible financing options, responsive customer service and superior market knowledge, all delivered on a local level.

Who We Serve

Canusa Hershman of Vermont has two processing operations, offering processing of both recovered fiber and post-industrial plastics. We typically serve commercial suppliers and buyers of raw materials, including:

Major Distribution Centers


Small Business Warehouses

Commercial Printers

Local Residents

What We Provide

We provide a full range of recyclable processing and marketing services to St. Albans and its surrounding communities. Depending on your needs, our customized solutions may include:

  • Collection and processing of cardboard, paper, plastics and metals

  • Timely, reliable, and efficient transportation of materials via our corporate-owned fleet

  • Sealed Lead Acid (SLA) proposals

  • Economical financing and efficient installation of balers and compactors

  • Auditing and reporting (reconciliation of products)

  • Exemplary customer service

  • Competitive pricing

  • Flexible financial terms

Residential Recycling

As a State of Vermont official collection site of e-waste, our Vermont facility accepts unwanted electronic items from local residents.

Weโ€™re also able to accept residential cardboard, and other fiber, plastic and metal recyclables. Contact us to learn more.

See what you have to gain by working with Canusa Hershman.

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